2023: Two-year Impact Factor: 2.4
Scopus Journal Metrics
CiteScore (2023):7.1
Open Access

Health Promot Perspect. 2014;4(2): 144-150.
doi: 10.5681/hpp.2014.019
PMID: 25650180
PMCID: PMC4300439
  Abstract View: 1753
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Original Research

The Impact of Ergonomically Designed Workstations on Shoul­der EMG Activity during Carpet Weaving

Majid Motamedzade, Davood Afshari*, Alireza Soltanian
*Corresponding Author: Email: davodafi@yahoo.com


Background: The present study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical exposure to the trapezius muscle activity in female weavers for a prolonged period in the workstation A (suggested by previous studies) and workstation B (proposed by the present study). Methods: Electromyography data were collected from nine females during four hours for each ergonomically designed workstation at the Ergonomics Labora­tory, Hamadan, Iran. The design criteria for ergonomically designed workstations were: 1) weaving height (20 and 3 cm above elbow height for workstations A and B, respectively), and 2) seat type (10° and 0° forward-sloping seat for workstations A and B, respec­tively). Results: The amplitude probability distribution function (APDF) analysis showed that the left and right upper trapezius muscle activity was almost similar at each workstation. Trapezius muscle activity in the workstation A was signifi­cantly greater than workstations B (P<0.001). Conclusion: In general, use of workstation B leads to significantly reduced muscle activity levels in the upper trapezius as compared to workstation A in weavers. Despite the positive impact of workstation B in reducing trapezius muscle activity, it seems that constrained postures of the upper arm during weaving may be associated with musculoskeletal symptoms.
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Submitted: 27 Feb 2014
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