2023: Two-year Impact Factor: 2.4
Scopus Journal Metrics
CiteScore (2023):7.1
Open Access

Health Promot Perspect. 2013;3(2): 246-254.
doi: 10.5681/hpp.2013.028
PMID: 24688974
PMCID: PMC3963660
  Abstract View: 1569
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Original Research

Correlates of Willingness to Engage in Residential Gardening: Im­plications for Health Optimization in Ibadan, Nigeria

Fausat Motunrayo Ibrahim*
*Corresponding Author: Email: motunib@yahoo.com


Background: Gardening is a worthwhile adventure which engenders health optimization. Yet, a dearth of evidences that highlights motivations to engage in gardening exists. This study examined willingness to engage in gardening and its correlates, including some socio-psychological, health related and sociodemographic variables. Methods: In this cross-sectional survey, 508 copies of a structured questionnaire were randomly self administered among a group of civil servants of Oyo State, Nigeria. Multi-item measures were used to assess variables. Step wise multiple regression analysis was used to identify predictors of willingness to engage in gardening. Results: Simple percentile analysis shows that 71.1% of respondents do not own a garden. Results of step wise multiple regression analysis indicate that descriptive norm of gardening is a good predictor, social support for gardening is better while gardening self efficacy is the best predictor of willingness to engage in gardening (P< 0.001). Health consciousness, gardening response efficacy, education and age are not predictors of this willingness (P> 0.05). Results of t-test and ANOVA respectively shows that gender is not associated with this willingness (P> 0.05), but marital status is (P< 0.05).  Conclusion: Socio-psychological characteristics and being married are very relevant in motivations to engage in gardening. The nexus between gardening and health optimization appears to be highly obscured in this population.
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Submitted: 08 Jan 2014
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