2023: Two-year Impact Factor: 2.4
Scopus Journal Metrics
CiteScore (2023):7.1
Open Access

Health Promot Perspect. 2011;1(1): 62-70.
doi: 10.5681/hpp.2011.006
PMID: 24688901
PMCID: PMC3963616
  Abstract View: 2067
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Original Research

Effects of Abandoned Arsenic Mine on Water Resources Pollution in North West of Iran

Behzad Hajalilou, Mohammad Mosaferi*, Fazel Khaleghi, Sakineh Jadidi, Bahram Vosugh, Esmail Fatehifar
*Corresponding Author: Email: mmosaferi@yahoo.com


Background: Pollution due to mining activities could have an important role in health and welfare of people who are living in mining area. When mining operation finishes, environ­ment of mining area can be influenced by related pollution e.g. heavy metals emission to wa­ter resources. The present study was aimed to evaluate Valiloo abandoned arsenic mine ef­fects on drinking water resources quality and possible health effects on the residents of min­ing area in the North West of Iran. Methods: Water samples and some limited composite wheat samples in downstream of min­ing area were collected. Water samples were analyzed for chemical parameters according to standard methods. For determination of arsenic in water samples, Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method (GFAAS) and for wheat samples X – Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Method (ICP) were used. Information about possible health effects due to exposure to arsenic was collected through interviews in studied villages and health center of Herris City. Results: The highest concentrations of arsenic were measured near the mine (as high as 2000 µg/L in Valiloo mine opening water). With increasing distance from the mine, concentration was decreased. Arsenic was not detectable in any of wheat samples. Fortunately, no health effects had been reported between residents of studied area due to exposure to arsenic.  Conclusion: Valiloo abandoned arsenic mine has caused release of arsenic to the around en­vironment of the mine, so arsenic concentration has been increased in the groundwater and also downstream river that requires proper measures to mitigate spread of arsenic.
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Submitted: 23 Jun 2012
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