2023: Two-year Impact Factor: 2.4
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CiteScore (2023):7.1
Open Access

Health Promot Perspect. 2017;7(3): 140-144.
doi: 10.15171/hpp.2017.26
PMID: 28695102
PMCID: PMC5497365
  Abstract View: 2076
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Original Article

How young pedestrians do explain their risky road crossing behaviors? A qualitative study in Iran

Mina Hashemiparast 1, Reza Negarandeh 2, Ali Montazeri 3*

1 Department of Public Health, Maragheh University of Medical Sciences, Maragheh, Iran
2 Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 Health Metrics Research Center, Institute for Health Sciences Research, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: montazeri@acecr.ac.ir


Background: Although pedestrian-vehicle accidents are often the results of risky behaviors during road crossings, there is limited evidence concerning the risky road crossing behaviors of pedestrians. This study was aimed at eliciting and exploring the reasons that can help explain why young pedestrians take risky road crossing behaviors. Methods: A qualitative content analysis approach was conducted on purposefully selected young individuals who had the experience of vehicle-collision accident. Data collected by in depth, semi-structured interviews until data saturation and concurrently analyzed, assisted by MAXQDA 10. Results: Three main categories emerged as social reasons for risky road crossing behaviors of the young pedestrians including ‘conformity with the masses/crowds’, ‘lack of social cohesion and sense of belonging in social relations’ and ‘bypassing the law/ law evasion’. Conclusion: The risky road crossing behaviors of young pedestrians are found influenced by the pedestrian attitudes towards the political, social, cultural and economic condition of the society.Moreover, popular culture and collective behaviors in crossing the roads influenced the risky behaviors. Hence, personal, cultural and social interventions could be effective in promoting the young pedestrians’ behavior.

Citation: Hashemiparast M, Negarandeh R, Montazeri A. How young pedestrians do explain their risky road crossing behaviors? A qualitativestudy in Iran. Health Promot Perspect. 2017;7(3):140-144. doi: 10.15171/hpp.2017.26.
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Submitted: 22 Feb 2017
Revision: 24 Apr 2017
Accepted: 02 May 2017
ePublished: 14 Jun 2017
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